Net Zero by 2050 is Garbage Weasel Speak, The Environment is the Economy, Stupid, The Amazon’s Alarming Water Crisis, Water Crises Threaten the World’s Food Supply, Arctic and Antarctic Sea Ice Approach Historic Lows, The Myth of Meritocracy, Big Banks and Dirty Money, and more… in The Collapse Chronicle!
You're quite welcome, And you have it exactly right: "garbage weasel-speak." Phrases like, "honey-tongued PR professionals to craft some lovely, eco-friendly looking spin," and "obfuscatory bafflegab" are pitch perfect.
Hey wow! And thanks! And wow! 🤩
You're quite welcome, And you have it exactly right: "garbage weasel-speak." Phrases like, "honey-tongued PR professionals to craft some lovely, eco-friendly looking spin," and "obfuscatory bafflegab" are pitch perfect.